A lot of people think that designing a UK company logo is simple. There reasoning will be that many major brands have simple logos that work for them and you’ll hear things such as “anybody could have come up with Nike’s tick!” But this simply isn’t true. There is a lot of different factors that go in to designing a logo. Each sector will have different requirements for design. Here is what you need to think about when you are creating your perfect logo design for your bar:
Unique Design is Important
Your logo is going to differentiate you from your competition. This is why the design needs to be unique. Many bars don’t really put a lot of time in to branding themselves, they feel that they will get enough customers regardless. But having a unique logo that sets you apart from other bars will make you seem more interesting and inviting. It will result in more business and then (obviously) more success.
Know Who You Are
Before designing a UK company logo, it is vital that you understand your brand. This is because a logo is basically an introduction of your brand to the consumer. It needs to represent exactly who you are. There is no use in having a logo that looks great but has nothing to do with your business. For example, an Irish bar wouldn’t have a logo with a Brazilian theme.
Get Your Colours Right
In order to reflect your business in the best possible and most suitable way, you need to get the colours right. The balance of the colours will be vital. Using too many bold colours can make a logo look unattractive, too much muted tones means the logo can be overlooked. Different colours can release different emotions from people. This is an important aspect to look in to.
Keep Your UK Company Logo Simple
It is important to get the balance between simplicity and attention-grabbing right. You don’t want your bar logo to be too loud, but on the other hand you don’t want it to be too subtle. Great examples of logos that balance this well are FedEx and Amazon. While they are both simple designs, they grab your attention immediately.
There is so much to balance when it comes to logo design. It can be hard to do it all by yourself. Try using the help of a professional logo designer at www.repeatlogo.co.uk/

Sherwood explores cocktail history, modern twists on classic drinks, and tips for perfecting the bar experience.