The keto diet is taking over the internet and also helping people understand that not all fat is bad. The keto diet is a high-fat diet with protein taking the middle ground. The idea behind the diet is that it is not just helping you lose weight but it also improves the way your body […]
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Dental Practice Glasgow | How Food and Drink Affect Your Teeth

It’s no secret that eating certain foods and drinks can be bad for your teeth, whilst some are well known, others may take you by surprise. Here is how different food and drink can affect your teeth, as well as when to visit your dental practice in Glasgow. Sherwood KimSherwood explores cocktail history, modern twists […]
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Food Names and Where They Came From

A lot of foods have some pretty obvious names that have you understand exactly what they are made of before you even take a bite. Some, on the other hand, are pretty imaginative and come from experiences, people, places and even other foods. Sherwood KimSherwood explores cocktail history, modern twists on classic drinks, and tips […]
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How Anthony Bourdain Changed the Way We Look at Food

With the recent death of Anthony Bourdain, the culinary world was left in shock and confusion. After being found dead in his apartment on the 9th of June, people around the world are looking back and realising how he has significantly changed the way food is eaten. His love for food and ability to pen […]
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Is an Air Fryer a Healthier Option?

Air fryers have seen a spike in sales as they have become famous as being the healthier way to enjoy French fries, fried chicken and anything else that brings on the feeling of guilt. Sherwood KimSherwood explores cocktail history, modern twists on classic drinks, and tips for perfecting the bar experience.